Release Notes
14/12/2010: v1.0.14
- reduced APK size by ~30% (~300K)
- added French UI/Userguide translation
- added HTC alarm package for events Alarm Clock/Done (experimental)
- %TRUN (dynamic): comma-separated list of (named) tasks running
- Prefs / Action / Max Queued Tasks
- state/event/action edit: added menu item link to online alphabetical list
- Stop action: added parameter With Error
- tasker-profile.de to Browse Profiles list
- direct: buy code button: warn that it's not the market version
- action: 3rd Party / SMS Backup+
- call diversion/blocking tip about Call Revert
- event SMS Received was only firing once
- HTTP Post/Get: failure (not bad response code) causes task stop
- tab options: wasn't showing icon for Set Icon option
- Widget / Shortcut create from app: wasn't removing list hint afterwards
- state Unread Text: help text was for wrong state
- LocEdit: improved accuracy of drawn radius away from equator
- virtually any changes in prefs was`causing a monitor restart on leaving UI
- cell near/related variables: were crashing occasionally
- state edit, calendar entry: some devices listing of titles/locs would crash
- catch OOM selecting SD icon
- event edit: was crashing when var selected for numeric (text) parameter
- no config created, monitor was visibly trying to startup sometimes
- menu items that were single actions (not perform task) now run at the same priority as the menu task itself
- time context setup failed to initialize sometimes
- empty BT device name was crashing
- removed userguide pages from APK, they now download as needed (or all at once to SD)
- removed action/state/event help from APK, they now download as needed (or all at once to SD)
- shortened SMS response delay
- new widget tasks can be anonymous (again)
- save emergency backup to SD when datafile write fails (OOM ?)
- UI, stop cancelling dialogs when touched outside, confuses people
- made %TNET dynamic and monitored
- added buffer to speed up SD logging
- recache an app icon whenever a widget/shortcut is created for it (in case it changes)
- monitor service: delay queue processing when necessary to avoid Android no-response closes