Release Notes
30/03/2010: v1.0.20u3
- bugfix: %WIFI/%WIMAX selection and use
29/03/2010: v1.0.20u2
- bugfix: state Variable Value var select dialog was bugged
- change: selecting a variable for Variable category actions: flash when no user variables
instead of showing empty dialog
29/03/2010: v1.0.20u1
- bugfix: showing menus from widgets wasn't working
29/03/2010: v1.0.20
- Russian UI (not userguide) translation (thousand thanks to Arslan Aliev)
- German UI (not userguide) translation (thousand thanks to Ludwig Hubert)
- CPU action for battery-saving / performance (some modified ROMs)
- 3rd Party event, Radardroid
- grey default status bar icon for Gingerbread+ (thanks Craig!)
- 3rd Party event Gentle Alarm (v3.1.0+)
- 3rd Party action Gentle Alarm (v3.1.0+)
- 3rd Party event Reddit Notify
- action Media / Media Button Events
- Dpad/Type: Repeat Times parameter
- variables %CPUFREQ, %CPUGOV
- event Alarm Clock: detect Samsung's alarm data prefx (for alarm label)
- show user variables at top of variable selection dialog (where appropriate)
- dialog for installing Zoom when accessing Zoom action category
- action ComponentIntent: target parameter (e.g. to allow starting of sub-activities)
- Element Colour action wasn't working
- Spanish variable translation: some selected variables were inserting the wrong code
- whitespace now handled by Type action
- variables weren't being replaced for Type action
- cancelling notifications wasn't possible after a reboot/crash
- location edit: disable and uncheck buttons for unavailable location providers
- don't show builtin variables in Variables actions where a user-variable is required
- help text was wrong for Vibrate On Notify
- %MTRACK wasn't updating for new track with Music Play Dir
- ipack workaround for pre-Froyo ROMs
- some problems with ipack querying were causing Tasker crash
- Zoom element actions: wasn't replacing variables in first field
- UI: don't update locale language if already set correctly
- Notification Click: wasn't working on Gingerbread
- named tasks launched from widgets, Collision Handling property was not working for Abort Existing
- UI translation refresh for all languages
- use just 'modversion' or 'GINGERVillain' in /system/build.prop for root detection
- detect GPS control possibility by attempting toggle instead of ROM version
- drastically improved profile data reading speed / memory usage
- HTTP Get/Post increased max data length to 100K, rest is now truncated
- max Flash length limited to 4k
- warn the first time user tries to run a task with Test which contains a (currently) unmonitored variable
- wifi sleep policy: 'Screen Off' -> 'Default' (actual effect varies by ROM version)
- change: catch android Webview bug, causing crash on startup for some Froyo users