Release Notes
14/01/2012: v1.2u2
- spurious variable clear warning removed
- was warning about plugin edit activities with icons instead of those without (oops)
- scenes shown as activities weren't completely filling background window with their background colour
- pre-ICS custom notification: adapt some text characterisics to system values
- text element: allow scrolling: was adopting wrong size sometimes
- state plugins passing variables: variables bundle wasn't being detected
- action Get Location: was allowing variable for timeout in UI but not handling on execution
- added text-received vars to dynamic list for selection
- selection dialogs for dynamic vars wasn't including user globals
- show scene: Dialog types: don't show any native decorations, window is totally transparent
- show scene: Blur Behind: not available on ICS, changed to Dim Behind Heavy
- post-ICS custom notification: use ICS-style layout, workaround for background bug
12/01/2012: v1.2u1
- action Show Scene: parameter 'show exit button'
- variable tab: updates in real time
- tip about TeslaLED when Torch is unavailable
- removed spurious warning message after cloning task
- Variable Length was return variable instead of its length
- widgets with app icons: icons for some apps were not displaying
- scene element actions weren't allowing variable names
- scene names weren't allowing variable names
- cloning scenes: anonymous tasks weren't being duplicated
- profile properties: display conditions for some parameters were messed up
- HTTP Get: on ICS was always POSTing
- builtin scenes were getting bad button backgrounds when displayed
- scene edit: positioning/resizing elements: buttons weren't going to scene edge
- scene edit: opposite side was occasinally jumping during resize
- slider element: was crashing upon returning to scene edit
- oval element: border was filling whole shape instead of just edge
- menu scene crash, cause unknown, bit now caught and reported
- scene element event Stroke was not working without a Tap event also being set
- profile list, toggling enabled state, next touch on list was dragging items
- removed various sources of the warning 'getEntity: bad type: xxx'
- userguide help for slider element was missing
- Honeycomb 3.1+: newly-downloaded ipacks were not available for use even after reboot
- action: element back colour: was causing exception for some element types
- oval/rect element: userguide doc was corrupt
- rotating task edit view lost all changes made to the task (and sometimes put UI in a mess)
- Menu Element: item configuration: selecting Load/Kill app or Peform Task fills in app icon and label
- allow renaming of base project
- updated some es translations and main page of userguide
- ICS+: don't cache app icons for widgets (was a workaround for earlier Android bug)
- AccessibilityServer bind warning -> diagnostic
- Map Element: action Test (value): returns the current displayed coordinate if available in preference to the last set coordinate
- Popup Buttons: clicking text doesn't dismiss (but builtin scene can be changed to do that)
- Menu / Browse Profiles -> Menu / Browse Examples
- speeded up scene resize, don't resize too-big elements until resize finished
- Menu / Profile Data / tasker-profiles.de (site unmaintained)