Release Notes
18/07/2015: v4.7u3
- bugfix: tracking failure caused by Auto Brightness action pre-KitKat
- bugfix: missing variables in variables tab
- bugfix: various console-reported errors
- bugfix: hourly repeats weren't working correctly with no start time specified
- change: Prefs / Monitor / Motion Detection: default to off
13/07/2015: v4.7u2
- attempted bufixes: for some errors reported via developer console
- bugfix: spurious warning about moving autobackups
- bugfix: was not handling no restore options being available
- bugfix: app creation: file:// icon URIs were causing creation to fail
- added: action Interrupt Mode: Continue On Eror option
11/06/2015: v4.7u1
- bugfix: menu elements: items were being always expanded to fill the element width
- bugfix: scene element: text boxes that take variables: removed 10 character restriction
- bugfix: action Default Ringtone: catch crash coming back from selector
- bugfix: main screen Menu option exit: dependent on profiles, might always say data needed saving even if nothing done
- bugfix: some context types were not showing activated in the UI if UI was already loaded upon activation
- attempted bufixes: for some errors reported via developer console
- change: action Zip: if Output File specified, add .zip to name if not already there
08/06/2015: v4.7
Android 4.0+ Devices
- Android app backup support (disabled by default)
- dynamic configuration (and task) loading for e.g. remote device administration
- improved local backup/restore
- individual context activation states shown in UI
- task testing: problems shown in-line
- accelerometer support for lower power and more responsive location detection (where hardware available)
- scenes: existing elements with text: may be too large and need shrinking, due to bug fixes around scaling unfortunately
- action Variable Convert: Bytes To Mega/Gigabytes now uses solely . for fractions
- action Array Process: type Squash: must reselect type of existing actions
- action Test System: must reselect test type of existing actions
- action Test Display: new values landscape-reverse and portrait-reverse, may need to change tasks
- tasks with Perform Task actions with priority 10 will perform differently when tested via Task Edit screen (default test priority is now 100),
long-click the Play Button to test at 10 (but it's recommended to not used fixed priorities)
- Prefs / Misc: Android Backup
- action Tasker / Import Data
- action Array Process: Sort Numeric Integer and Sort Numeric Floating-Point
- action Send Intent: Extra fields: support for parcelable Java objects created with Java Function
- action Send Intent: Extra fields: support for Uris via casting of value
- action Send Intent: extra Extra field (also for JS function)
- file selection: text box for specification
- file selection for local data backup and restore
- scene element WebView: Background tab
- action Test System: added Android ID test type
- action Test Display / Orientation: added landscape-reverse and portrait-reverse values
- per-action log access in task edit screen after test runs
- action Vibrate/Vibrate Pattern: Continue On Error param
- action Zip: Target File parameter
- action Media Control: option to send the command to a specific app
- main screen profile/task/scene list: multi-select mode action: Move To Top (when items are user-sorted)
- main screen profile/task/scene: sort by age
- action Zip: Target File parameter
- action Media Control: option to send the command to a specific app
- scene element TextEdit: Focus event
- action Element Text: parameter Selection (TextEdit elements only)
- JS: function Say: parameters Respect Audio Focus and Use Network
- scene element Web: Support Popups parameter for e.g. form selection elements
- state Net / Auto Sync
- action Launch App: parameter Always Start New Copy, default is now to use existing copy of app when possible
- Music Play Dir: Audio Only: extra file extensions
- display-off monitoring: use of significant motion sensor where available (no power usage when stationary,
- Prefs / Monitor / Display Off / Motion Detection (enabled by default)
- BODY_SENSORS permission for Heart Rate
- State / Heart Rate (untested)
- variable: %HEART (Heart Rate) (untested)
- action Net / HTTP Head
- events Variables / Variable Cleared/Set: parameter User Variables Only
- event Tasker / Timer Change (when Task Timer status changes)
- Tasker / Test Tasker: type Timer Widget Remaining
- Prefs / UI / List Item Drag Margin / Disable option
- variable %TNET: try using getprop as workaround when Android doesn't return a value
- action Get Voice: parameter Language
- actions File / GZip and File / GUnzip
- state Power / Battery Temperature
- state Power Save Mode (Android 5.0+)
- task edit screen: test buttons: log display when action fails
- Search Tasker: matches also against action parameters which have a set of strings to choose for the value
- %WIN was not reporting title of Tasker dialog and NoBar activity scenes
- action Variable Convert: Bytes To Mega/Gigabytes was using localized decimal point character
- confirmation of data restore was before selecting source rather than as last step
- file selection: when path selected outside storage root, use abs path
- videos weren't working in scene WebView elements
- getSearchValue log error from event plugins
- Java: null-valued objects were not returning 'null' when used in e.g. If conditions
- attempting to export project without icon gave spurious log warning
- scene element Number Picker: min/max/init params weren't being properly validated
- HTTP Get/Post: error documents weren't being put into %HTTPD in some situations
- on device shutdown, exit tasks with certain actions with local vars were generating spurious warnings
- action Create Element: editing element content before putting in a scene name gave a spurious error message in log
- action Scene / Create Element: creating a Map element was crashing
- Menu / More / Run An Action: icon/action edit of e.g. actions in Notify action was exiting action edit screen behind
- warnings after clicking on unnamed task in results of Search Tasker
- JavaScript(let): warnings from JS engine would cause execution to stop at some points
- sometimes ended up with a blank Tasker app when pressing back immediately after launching
- action Zip: Delete Original parameter wasn't working on directories
- (very) old XML icon format was preventing some (very) old data importing
- scene elements and scene were shrinking a little (but cumulatively) on display rotation
- warnings after clicking on unnamed task in results of Search Tasker
- JavaScript(let): warnings from JS engine would cause execution to stop at some points
- sometimes ended up with a blank Tasker app when pressing back immediately after launching
- action Zip: Delete Original parameter wasn't working on directories
- (very) old XML icon format was preventing some (very) old data importing
- scene elements and scene were shrinking a little (but cumulatively) on display rotation
- disabled Wait actions were affecting task scheduling
- Menu elements: more fixing of caching problems when screen rotated
- action Variable Join: was stopping at first index without a value
- action Perform Task: multiple kids with lower pri were running in sequence instead of simultaneously
- menu/spinner element entries weren't scaling up with element bounds when displayed or imported on different device
- Text elements text size wasn't scaling up with bounds on display
- state Display Orientation: had no help text
- some file actions using root were not testing preconditions with root
- some file actions using root were not quoting special shell characters in file names
- workaround for cell location update crashing monitor service on Android 5.1
- app creation: missing permission for event Received Data SMS
- %PACTIVE, %PENABLED: entries were in largely random order
- fix for shell-related operations on 64-bit (thanks Josiah Mch)
- Take Photo: with Discrete selected, don't modify sys vol if in Interrupt Mode none/Silent Mode or it's already 0
- file shredding (e.g. for action Delete File) was failing on very large files
- in some UI text boxes for passwords, entered text was visible in landscape mode
- notification action icons: not setting an icon was resulting in the Tasker icon instead of no icon
- event/state selector: filter was showing wrong icons
- Run Log: date headers were disappearing when no filter items matched that day
- some popup text dialogs in the UI weren't scrollable for large content
- app context: didn't handle pkg still there but activity gone
- profile sort Active Alpha wasn't in right order in several situations
- scene edit: selecting an elemenbt with a-z picker wasn't updating title bar
- state Media Button: with Held selected, a simple click was activating
- importing tasks into other than current project: switch to other project before centering list
- app creation: plugins can be deselected in Required Plugins section of kid config screen
- action List Files: broadcast change of array name, not each item in the result array (latter too inefficient)
- restructured Menu / Data / Restore
- action Java Function: upped max parameters to 7
- enable hardware acceleration for scene windows (but not for overlay scenes on pre-5.0 devices)
- auto backups are now placed in Tasker/configs/auto/
- move Tasker/autobackups dir to Tasker/configs/auto on UI startup if present
- move Tasker/userbackup.xml to Tasker/configs/user/backup.xml on UI startup if present
- Data / Restore / Auto Local Backups: show list most recent first, show indication of backup age
- scene element WebView: background defaults to transparent
- action Test File: added Use Root param
- action Test File, Size: for directories, return the number of children (files and dirs), previously was somewhat arbitrary
- increased task priority range 0-50 normal tasks, 0-100 when testing tasks
- action Wait: show more human-readable in task edit screen and profile list
- action Zip: accepts newline separated list of files/dirs to include in the archive
- action Wait: show more human-readable in task edit screen and profile list
- UI response to profile status change is now immediate
- action Zip: accepts newline separated list of files/dirs to include in the archive
- Time context: use AM/PM format if that's user's global preference
- profile list: use AM/PM format if that's user's global preference
- UI response to profile status change is now immediate
- scene element NumberPicker/Slider accepts (global) variable for Default parameter
- HTTP Get/Post: Cookie param: remove all occurences of Set-Cookie: so easier to reuse cookies previously
received from the server earlier in the task
- app creation: typeface errors: give details
- action select dialog: show action category icon in grid instead of setting/action icon
- improved Run Log formatting to get more in the Details column
- manifest permission android.vending.CHECK_LICENSE
- main screen profile sort: Creation Date
- bugfix: event/condition plugins: ArrayList and String[] bundle types were not getting into the relevant Tasker vars
- bugfix: synchronous action plugin, return ArrayList values weren't being processed correctly
- added: TaskerPlugin.Setting.getHintTimeoutMS() for use in a settings FireReceiver to see which timeout the host is applying.
If validating intent extras from host, be aware that an extra key has been added for this.